Anytime Fitness: Deals, Discounts & Coupons
Anytime Fitness is constantly having promotions and deals to entice members. If you simply want to try out the gym, Anytime Fitness offers free 7 day passes in which you can test out the gym to see if it would be a great fit for you.
Other deals include the $1 membership signup. With this deal, the enrollment fee is waved, and all that is required is the monthly membership fees.
And as mentioned above, if you purchase entire years in advance, a pretty big sum of cash will be saved.
Other deals, discounts, and coupons occur throughout the year, so keep your eyes open and take advantage of them!
Okay, so the next thing I am going to mention here is not necessarily a deal, but it should be. Every membership at Anytime Fitness comes with a free fitness consultation to get the new member acclimated to the new gym environment. This includes a tour of the gym and how to use the machines, a fitness assessment, and any other advice that is needed.
If more help is still needed, Anytime Fitness gyms have personal trainers on staff that can train you as you strive to achieve your fitness goals and change your life for the better.